Web Accessiblility Statement

LAST UPDATED: Februrary, 2025

Our Commitment to Accessibility

BIC is committed to making its web properties accessible to individuals with disabilities consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For this, we are guided by the Worldwide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The WCAG not only helps make web content accessible to users with sensory, mobility, or cognitive disabilities, but ultimately to all users. It is our goal to have a website that is accessible to everyone.

Our efforts at accessibility are ongoing. We conduct accessibility testing of our website on a periodic basis using various forms of assistive technology.

While we strive to adhere to the appropriate standards and guidelines, it may not always be possible to do so in all areas of each website. If you encounter any difficulty accessing any of the information from our web content or have any suggestions on accessibility improvements, please email us at AccessibilityNAM@bicworld.com.

In your message, we would ask you to provide the following:

  • Your preferred contact information
  • The web address where you experienced difficulty
  • A brief description of the problem you encountered, including a description of the assistive technology you were using when you experienced difficulty.

Please note: This Accessibility Statement policy applies only to the web content developed and provided on BIC’s own website. We cannot make any claims with respect to the accessibility of third-party websites linked from our website.