Tips for men
Shaving shouldn't suck.
At BIC, we spend more time thinking about shaving than you do. Way, way more. In that time, we’ve learned a bunch of smart ways to make your shave better.

The best time to shave? Post-shower, because humidity makes your skin more elastic.
Increase comfort by lathering up then waiting a few minutes to start shaving.
For a precise shave, short and smooth strokes are better than longer strokes.
Duller blades mean more potential for skin irritation. Change your razor regularly.

Step 1: Get ready
Take a warm shower.
The humidity makes your skin more elastic.Get situated at the sink.
Make sure you have a good mirror in front of you.Lather up with plenty of shaving cream or gel.
Choose a brand with no alcohol. Let the lather sit on your face for a few minutes.
Step 2: Shave
Grab your BIC® Razor.
You use the shiny metal part to shave with. But you knew that.Shave in the same direction your hair grows in.
On your face, that’s probably mostly downward.Take it slow and easy.
You don’t need to press the razor hard against your face. You might have to go over some spots twice or more. That’s totally fine.

Step 3: Finish strong
Rinse your face with cold water.
Refreshing!Pat your face with a soft towel.
Fluffy!Use an alcohol-free aftershave balm to moisturize your skin.
Um, moist!